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A Home Performance Assessment In Pictures

Have you ever wondered what happens when you sign up for a Home Performance Assessment?

Well, in our habit of demystifying all things HVAC, we have laid out a few simple photos and descriptions of some things that could happen at a Home Performance Assessment. Every home’s assessment will look different. And, not all of the tests and procedures included in this assessment are even pictured here. Homes are like snowflakes, no two have exactly the same components; so we happily customize our tests to your home, and your HVAC company should, too.

After the assessment (at the same appointment), all of the data is analyzed, compiled, and printed. The results are shared with the homeowner and a plan is hatched for where to go from there. Home Performance Assessments are the only conclusive way to know that you are saving the most energy possible and that all of the elements of your home are working together to create a safe, healthy, comfortable environment for you and your family.

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