Barron Heating AC Electrical & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Plumbing’

That Leak Is Coming From Your Hose Bibb! Solutions and Explanations

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Have you ever wondered why, no matter how many new hoses you purchase when spending time outdoors, they’re always leaky? It’s like you’re destined to leak water no matter how tightly you seal the hose onto the spigot.

Well, the good news is that it’s not you or your hoses. This component is called the hose bibb, and it’s basically the connector from your home’s main water line and anything that uses water outdoors. This connector is vital to home gardening projects, sprinklers, and other outdoor water fixtures–but it could be wasting water and money every year.

This blog hopes to explore what the hose bibb is, how it works, and why it can leak during the springtime when we’re just now starting to enjoy the outdoor weather. Schedule with our team for a new hose bibb installation on Orcas Island.

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How Regular Home Plumbing Inspections Prevent Expensive Plumbing Issues

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

You don’t think about your plumbing often. Pipes, sewers, and washing machine hoses are out of sight and out of mind for most homeowners. It’s hard to spot problems that cost you money, which is why you have us.

A WholeHome™ Plumbing Inspection helps your home in more ways than one. This is what our thorough inspections by experienced professionals include:

  • Using dye testing on all toilets
  • Flue vent inspection
  • Checking on all sink pipes
  • Inspecting washing machine hoses
  • Checking out all exposed supply lines
  • And more

When there aren’t any visible plumbing problems in your home, it’s easy to think that you don’t need a plumbing inspection. Let’s talk about why that might not be the case and what a WholeHome™ Plumbing Inspection can do for you.

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Prepping Your Plumbing For Summer

Monday, May 2nd, 2022

The unbearable heat may still be a couple of months off, but there’s no time like the present to start prepping your home for warmer temperatures. This means ensuring your HVAC systems are inspected and ready for service, and also that your outdoor plumbing is ready for increased use. 

From issues such as corroded hose bibbs to a damaged sump pump, there are a few ways your plumbing system can fumble your summer plans, but not if you’re well prepared! Read on to learn more. 

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How You Know Its Time to Call a Plumber

Monday, April 4th, 2022

It can sometimes be difficult to know if your plumbing system is in good shape at any given time. Most people don’t think very much about their plumbing systems after all, as long as the pipes continue to work the way they always have. “Out of sight, out of mind,” right? Unfortunately, this line of thinking can be harmful to your plumbing system!

Fortunately, Barron offers a comprehensive maintenance program that includes a Silver Shield Plumbing Preferred Membership, providing a WholeHome™ Plumbing Inspection, Comprehensive Performance Maintenance, and more. This membership ensures that your plumbing undergoes preventative care so that you run into fewer problems throughout the year. 

Of course, a repair need can still pop up, and plumbing repair needs aren’t always immediately noticeable. Fortunately, we’ve provided some indications that you can watch out for, below. If you notice your plumbing system has any of these symptoms, please don’t hesitate to give Barron Plumbing a call. 

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How to Prevent Drain Clogs and When to Call Our Team

Monday, January 24th, 2022

It’s our hope that you made it through the holiday season without any huge plumbing mishaps. After all, it’s the most popular time of the year to need a plumber, whether it’s for clogged plumbing in the kitchen or in the bathroom of your home. Water heaters tend to get a lot of wear this time of the year too, as homeowners tend to have more guests using their showers and such. 

Of course, the holiday season isn’t the only time of the year you can have a plumbing problem, particularly a drain clog. In fact, this is one of the most common reasons homeowners call a plumber in our area–and you should call a plumber! 

It’s important that you not rely on store-bought drain cleaning chemicals when experiencing a clog, as these are very caustic and can actually do more harm than good for your plumbing system (more on this below). In the meantime, there are some things you can do to prevent drain clogs from forming, to begin with. Read on to learn more. 

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Prep for the Holidays with a WholeHome™ Plumbing Inspection

Monday, November 1st, 2021

Homeowners may not often realize this, but plumbing companies experience 50% more calls during the holidays. Why is this? A large part of it is the heavy food prep that goes into the holidays, and the kitchen plumbing catastrophes that happen as a result.

This isn’t the only place drains get clogged, though… there are also your bathrooms to consider, which get a lot more traffic when you have holiday guests! Then you have to think about whether those guests are staying overnight—this means they’ll be using your hot water to take showers and helping themselves to your drinking water and perhaps even your washing machine for their laundry.

This is all great, but what about your plumbing system—is it getting overworked? Fortunately, you can prevent some common holiday mishaps with a WholeHome™ Plumbing Inspection beforehand. Read on to learn more!

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Turn to Barron Plumbing for Your Plumbing Repair Needs

Monday, May 31st, 2021

Part of being a diligent homeowner is dealing with plumbing repairs and replacement from time to time. From broken water heater tanks to a loss of water pressure, the qualified team at Barron Plumbing can help. We don’t just simply install plumbing and call it a day—we are your local experts for all plumbing repairs and replacement.

These services include (but are not limited to):

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