Solar cuts your ongoing electrical costs, heat pumps lower your energy bills, and they can work together to compound those effects. When you power your heat pump with solar energy, you’re supercharging your home sustainability, and this is why it works.
Barron Heating AC Electrical & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Solar Energy’
Home Sustainability: How Solar Panels and Heat Pumps Work Together
Monday, December 4th, 2023Go Solar: Smart Energy Financing and 30% Tax Credit Available
Monday, August 7th, 2023Solar panel systems look promising but daunting at the same time. It’s a big commitment, and that commitment is made easier by two things: our financing options, and the 30% tax credit offered by the US government.
How You Can Save with Solar!
Monday, November 16th, 2020
More and more homeowners are going solar these days, with a number of reasons to do so. Not only does solar electricity help you save energy (and subsequently money), but when you go solar with Solar by Barron, you get to cash in on even more great savings.
That’s because right now, we’re offering a solar-heat pump-water heater trifecta: When you choose our experts to install a residential or commercial solar system, we’ll virtually eliminate your power bill—think free power, free heating, and free water heating! You can call us for a free estimate any time, but be sure to do it ASAP as this offer won’t last. In the meantime, read on to see why going solar matters.