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Got Dust? The spots you might be missing…

If you’re like most homeowners – dusting is not one of your favorite chores (are any chores fun?). We all like to give it the old “college try” and hit our tabletops, television, and maybe even our picture frames on a weekly basis. But, take a minute right now — look up at your return grilles then look down at your supply grilles. Yuck, right? Don’t feel bad – lots of people have the same dusty, grimy register covers in their homes. So why is this forgotten area of your housekeeping so important?

The air flows only one way (in or out) of each individual register. Each time your system turns on, all that nastiness is cycling through your home. Keeping your register grilles clean is one of the best ways to reduce irritating allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, and mold from infiltrating your home. For allergy sufferers, dust is almost always the major cause of breathing problems. In addition, excessive dust makes your cooling and heating system work harder and therefore costs you money.

Effectively cleaning your grilles should take about 15 minutes per grille and can be done with a small amount of soap and warm water. One tip is to use a toothbrush to tackle those slats and crevices that are often difficult to reach. Be sure to rinse each grille with warm water and dry with a clean cloth. Once the covers are clean and dry, screw them back in or drop them back into place and start breathing healthier air! Call us today for more tips to help your HVAC system run more efficiently.

Solve dust at the source:

AeroSeal- HERE
Home Sealing- HERE
Sealed Can Lights- HERE

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